The Periodontist Is A Specialist Trained To Treat Gum Disease And The Bone Surrounding Your Teeth

They can also place dental implants and perform bone and soft tissue grafting. Their skills are invaluable and they are a valuable part of any oral health care team.

Top 5 Periodontist in Phoenix

If you want to have a dentist that can provide the best in dental care, you need to choose a periodontist who has been around for a while and has excellent patient reviews.These ratings can be 4025 W. Bell Road Suite #4 found on websites like Google and Yelp.

Our doctors are able to perform procedures that can help you get back the smile you’ve always wanted. We use state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to ensure your comfort and the best possible results.

Lumineers (removable veneers)

If your teeth have chips, cracks, or discoloration, lumineers can be used periodontist to correct these issues.These are thin pieces of porcelain that are bonded Arizona to your teeth to hide these problems and restore the appearance of your teeth. The process is quick, easy and painless. The treatment can be completed in one or two visits, and the result is a beautiful smile!

Lumineers can be matched to the natural color of your teeth, and they are designed to mimic the shape and structure of your natural tooth. In some cases, they can even be made to match your tooth’s natural enamel. This can give you a beautiful, healthy smile and eliminate the need for whitening!

Sedation Dentistry

Many patients prefer sedation for their dental appointments. This is especially useful for those with anxiety or phobias related to dental procedures. The dentist can administer IV sedation or twilight sedation, which will make you feel relaxed and comfortable while receiving the care you need.

Other Options for Treatment

The periodontist can also recommend other treatments to help improve the appearance of your smile and to treat your oral health problems. This includes gingivoplasty, which can be performed to reshape the gum line so that the teeth appear longer and more even.

Gingivoplasty is usually performed in combination with a deep pocket cleaning, and it’s often recommended for people who have periodontal disease because the gums may be receding from their original position. This surgery can be performed under local anesthesia and will remove any irritated or infected tissue.

Regenerative procedures are also used to treat severe gum disease. These procedures involve the removal of damaged or infected tissue and regenerating the tissues using a synthetic material. The regenerative material may be taken from another area of the mouth or it may be manufactured specifically for this purpose.


A periodontist can also place dental implants if the bone is sufficient to support the prosthetic.If the bone has been reduced by gum disease, a 480-696-5928 graft may be needed to fill in the spaces and promote new bone growth.

Teeth Whitening

Cosmetic dentistry can be a great way to boost your confidence and make you feel more attractive. A periodontist is able to perform a variety of teeth whitening services, including bleaching trays, laser whitening and in-office whitening

The Periodontist Is A Specialist Trained To Treat Gum Disease And The Bone Surrounding Your Teeth